Pool Care Video - Volume 1
Volume 1- Pool Care Video DVD – All Types & Plaster Version
This video addresses the needs of all types of pools with special emphasis on pools with the interior surface that is plaster, gunite or marcite. (Note: plaster, gunite and marcite are all the same thing, different regions call it by different nicknames.) This video teaches step by step how to care for this type of swimming pool.

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Pool Care Video - Volume 2
Volume 2 – Pool Care Video DVD – Vinyl & Fiberglass
This video is for pools that have vinyl liners, or fiberglass surfaces. Vinyl pools need different care than regular plaster pools, the tools used, chemicals and even the troubleshooting algae can be different in a vinyl liner or fiberglass pool. This video teaches step by step how to care for this type of swimming pool. This can also be used for aboveground pools.

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Pool Care Video - Volume 3
Volume 3 – Pool Care Video DVD – Foxx
This video is a special edition just for Fox Pools. Fox Pool Corporation wanted to not only give their customers great pools, they wanted to be sure they give them the tools to care for it also. This video teaches step by step how to care for the Fox Pool.

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Commercial Pools Training Program - Volume 4
Volume 4 – Commercial Pools Training Program – DVD & Manual
Perfect set for commercial pools which have much more complex problems due to swimmer load and large volume. This video and manual is the perfect training program to teach proper pool care to the beginner and experienced pool operator. This is the same video training program used nationally and internationally by health departments in training seminars.

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